Double Standards

I saw this image and it triggered something in me. Double standards are serious and can really get under my skin!

Why is it perfectly fine for a man to be sexually free with and dating multiple women at the same time but it becomes a problem when a woman does the same thing? Many women these days are comfortable with who they are sexually, and are transparent about where they are in this moment in life i.e. not looking for a serious commitment, just some fun, extracurricular activities that can burn a few calories. Why are men crowned as ‘kings’ for bagging this, that and the other chick, but if a woman displays the same behaviors, she becomes everything but a child of God?

Make no mistake, double standards don’t just exist when it comes to sex, they exist in every aspect of life. They seem to start at such a young age i.e. who plays the head of the house when playing house during play time in day care; little boys aren’t suppose to cry to express their emotions. If they do, they are labeled as a punk or soft; Jessica can’t play football and participate in wrestling because those sports are for boys, and girls are cheerleaders; boys can start dating at 14/15 where more girls can’t start dating until they are between 16 and 18; Wives should be submissive to their husbands, raise the kids, cook breakfast and dinner every day/night, give sex to their husbands on demand, keep their appearance and weight up to standards…well, what the hell does the husband have to do?!??! This has become the norm, or simply a way of life for many in today’s society.

Quite frankly, double standards can kick rocks, bare foot with the pinky toe and let everyone just be…man, woman, boy or girl. Double standards apply too much pressure on folk. What are your thoughts?

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