The Choice is YOURS…

I usually try to stay away from topics such as these because I don’t want to get caught up in all of the political hoopla, but to be honest, I’m so over society trying to dictate what a woman can and can’t do; should and shouldn’t do with her body! Here’s the thing, a woman’s body is HERS. What she chooses to do with it is her business…not his, theirs or mine. Period.

It’s sad that we have come to a point in time that a woman choosing to proceed with a medical procedure is now a felony in some places and completely banned in others. These decisions have been made by beings that are physically incapable of even becoming pregnant. The male species will never know what it feels like to be pregnant. Nor will they ever understand the physical, mental and psychological impact pregnancy can have on a woman. I mean, is this seriously a topic today???!

Sure, there are some women that are just careless and have used abortions as their preferred method of birth control. But, I think that’s only a small percentage. In my opinion, I believe majority of women that have had or are considering having an abortion have done so for either medical reasons, religious purposes, were victims of rape and the outcome of the incident was pregnancy, or it was simply the best choice for them at the time. Whatever the reason, again, is none of your damn business!

No one should have to explain or justify shit for the choices they make with their body if they don’t want to! You don’t have to agree with it but you should be able to respect whatever choice a woman makes. If it’s not impacting you and your day to day life directly, just continue minding your own business. Chime in below…

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